Prospection old roads – STUCK

Well, I’m not a Stuck Virgin anymore

I had a very good morning including the sight of 2 roe deers in the field as I passed along, and then 3 more on the horizon. I decided to go on new territory close to some quite decent field where an old road might have been. Wasn’t very successful except for the random silver Napoleon coin I dug up close to the road.
I walked over several fields, including the good one where I found a coin weight and a partial stamp, and didn’t find much. Back to car, and headed to the spot where there is a lot of good stuff around one field, and decided to park the car close by in the entrance of the pasture. I again found close to nill but then I wanted to drive the car backwards and that did not work so well. So oops. The front wheels didn’t get grip, despite that it hadn’t rained for a while. The ground is a bit moist still. I tried to drive into the pasture to make a big turn but since it goes uphill, things got a bit bleaker .. I put my rubber carpet and some other carpet under the wheels, only to see them full of mud on the other side of the wheels after my try.. so plan Z: CALL MUM. Lol. Took her a while but there she arrived with one of our neighbours. Since the rope was too short (since my car was too far in the pasture :p so better all mum immediately next time) the guy tried to drive the car closer to the entrance, and that came with lots of holes and pushing.) Then there was teh search for mum’s special screw-in attachment for the rope but when we found it, it took us not very long to get my car out. WOOO car is out !! Dajum. So I was already very careful when parking on the mud but now my panic is complete, lol.