Digging for gold

This is how my G-star and Diesel shoes looked after 2 hrs in the grass after the rain. Sure it helped getting into the soil..
Before the rain it was too dry to do anything. I used the second custom-made shovel that my friend made and I like it because the shaft is less wide and it will go deeper because pressure is more concentrated. And I don’t need a wide shovel for digging superficial targets in a grass play zone anyway.

I was looking for 2 golden rings that got missing but since I didn’t have a clue to where they might be, I just ran around in all directions, trying to dig all ID’s .. that means starting from ID 20 or so and going up, and digging ONLY canslaw since the mower went over cans.. At least I found two euro or so by accident :/
Not succesful but at least I was out of the house. Since I work now 4 days a week I like to spend my weekend NOT working and doing what I like. Goal accomplished.

Old soccer field

My friend told me about an abandoned soccer field in a city half an hour from here.
I googled it and it was occupied from late 60’s till 2011. It’s in the midst of nature and hilly area and on a Sunday, that means LOTS of people going around. But luckily no one came near the soccer field itself. So my friend and my dog were lying for a few hours in the superb sun and nature, and I tried to find a gold ring with metal detector.. nothing much came out of it.
A few eurocoins (mostly 10-20 cents :p). One hole held 6 coins.
Found an old Dutch coin and some Belgian ones.

Today I drove to the farm that is being renovated. People had given me permission via facebook to come detect in their pasture and garden. Turned out to be a total disappointment. The grass was 40 cm high at least. Two kids were hanging around me and taking my shovel and tools. All garden was infested with big pieces of metal. Didn’t find one half-decent thing.. And teh soil was superdry.