Brighton beach detection

I forgot about it, but one time I dragged all my equipment from Belgium to London and then to BRighton by train, only to get up real early in the morning, go detecting for an hour in cold and rain, and come back with almost nothing

Well, it was a bit more to the side of Brighton, with a grass bit along the side where I dug at least one coin. It’ nice there but you have to go when it’s warmer and nicer. I was going around Brighton all freezing to death in my 15-layer clothes. Very stony beach also.

Mum doesn’t need a metal detector

So long story short: i make my mum wait for eternity while i try shoes in the store. She’s bored and takes this coin out of her pocket and shows me. I look at it and shrug. She’s like ‘is this gold or something ?’ Then I take a closer look at it and it says a pure golden krugerrand !!

She has no idea where she got it. Probably someone thought it was worthless and put it in circulation as a 1 eurocent but those are copper color. She made money not refusing the stupid little coin somewhere thus 😀