Swapped my HF coil for a x35

Well, my buddy was finding small silver coins THREE times in the last months while we didn’t go out thàt much. And he swings incredibly high, so I just needed to adjust my gear to easy my mind a bit that it was all just MY fault and not my equimpent’s. He has a new x35 13inch coil on his Deus, and I had a normal 11 inch. I found someone with a x35 to switch it with my 9″ HF coil which I used on uneven or stubbled field.

Not that the swap worked so far in finding anything great, but anyway.

The battery life will go down a bit over the years so it’s good to get a new coil every now and then. Actually I ordered 10 batteries for Deus (I do some selling) but it’ll be a few more months apparently before I get them. The battery wasn’t much of a problem because I could go long enough and even if it bothered me, I’d put in a new battery. Just wanted the potential gain of a newer technology. Not that i believe the new coil will make me suddenly find cool stuff more, but a girl needs new stuff every once in a while Nice to be able to use a higher frequency (also not sure if that ever helped me in finding anything, God I’d be a good salesman).

New x35 11″ coil versus old 11″ coil for XP Deus 😀

This 1000-yr old coin of Otto

Together with the Roman key that we found on an accidental new small field, I found this battered silver hammered coin. I DID see the rudimentary face and googled for all those coins from UK and Scandinavia, and even Germany. THey didn’t seem to have much creativity back then since they used this simple face for quite a while.

I could read OTTO, the cross near the chin, and BERTUS on the other side. Unable to find the exact same coin, I sent an email to some guy who loves to find out what coin it is. He did send me the above documentation. It is indeed about 1000 yr old, and quite rare. It’s from the years of emperor OTTO II of Germany, minted in Liege (Belgian city 20 km south of us here).

Didn’t think I’d find something like that here, moreover since everything from 400 to about 1200 is a big black period of nothing much happening here.. I’d love to find more and to make a bit of a bridge over that 800-yr empty period. I did find a brooch of that time and a bronze buckle of 600-800.